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your FREE online 24/7 TRAINING supplement GRADE 4 - ALGEBRA 1


Professional Math Educators
praise our proven resource with full answer keys. A math supplement engineer built with parental engagement well supported.

State assessment: "Very impressive results" says a nationally respected research professional. Free Online.

Home and Agencies
Now have tools and methods to aid.

* Two Spanish workbooks are ready for your students now

Educators: We provide deep and FREE ONLINE supplement, proven to drive results regardless of texts in use. You have access to skills development which has impressed math trainers; See "Educator" tab. Also note Spanish Language fractions workbook is exceptionally needed support for needed family involvement tool. Effective proven content for math skill development and class ready pullouts for purposeful training.

Administrators Our nation needs innovative solutions for support beyond the one adopted standard text. We broaden supplementation to "reach back" in the resource, assisting those below proficient and struggling. Our supplemental training includes support for all stakeholders to improve capacity for parental support programs in several ways.

Family We built "how to" math content with answer keys for all! Those at home can now be involved successfully in developing the needed behaviors of lifetime effective study. Parents and trainers need tools to train and we have these now.

Adult learners You are likely not aware today that for decades, over half the adults working in the nation have not been trained to earn proficieny, nor have the early years classroom teachers according to national literature on the industry. We offer free online contents with a tutoring style and full answer keys as a resourceful gift for these working employees and parents and classroom teachers, so we can have consistent national scale.

After School Programs: GREAT FOR SMALL GROUP AND PEER TO PEER EFFORTS. Professional local programs can now actively support youth with MATH WORKBOOKS ONLINE efforts at local clubs and agencies. National club based organizations are free to use this prepared content and have national scale. Full answer keys too ! Ready to use in groups where more time on task is possible and proven in classrooms.

Professional-Industry- Commerce: Our FREE Training platform can reach and support your employees and families. STEM skill expertise is a daily strength we provide and envision as being accessible in homes of employees of the future, as a benefit to your firm and our society. This nation is surely able to develop capacity holistially from commercial strengths, as we involve industry and commerce, to "grow our own" and begin to develop top talent with professional support. Help is here now!

Algebra 1, Why is this the most failed course in both high school and college, damaging career pathways to Community College TECH and STEM? Review our offering in detail and see methods needed to remediate those who were once "passed forward", knowing they were not proficient. Leaders in the field of math training admire the design of our CMT Algebra 1.

we focus on applied math training to allow students to build skills.

Each proven professional below, successful in their fields of study, having trained thousands of outstanding students. STEM experts by defined skills, they each have proven application skills to support this effort.

Dr. James L. Frazier: Emeritus Professor of Entomology, former Dept Chair and a member of Center for Chemical Ecology and Center for Pollinator Research at Penn State. .

Internationally recognized insect chemical ecologist, his 45-year career involved teaching, research, administration, and formed food and agricultural policy at three major land-grant universities. Dr. Frazier has a gift for insights deemed ideal for nurturing curiosity with youth.

Dr. Lori McGrew: Professor McGrew is Associate Prof of Pharmacy at Lincoln School of Pharmacy, She is an exceptionally strong sciences advocate for women in STEM and able to create a broad body of literacy and mathematics works in early science.

Earned her B.S. in Biology and Chemistry from Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. Later earned her Interdisciplinary Graduate Program (IGP) then her Ph.D. from the Pharmacology Department at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.


Maryann T. Frazier: Senior Extension Associate, Masters in Agriculture in Entomology, recently retired at Penn State University, is an internationally recognized apicultural scientist with broad experience in outreach, teaching, and research. Her specialty is of honeybees and native bees. Maryann is a proven innovative educator for undergraduate students and was the developer of a summer certification course Bug Camp for Teachers that used insects to teach biological concepts in the classroom. She co-developed, with the PSU education department, a new course for K-12 education majors at Penn State “The Insect Connection for Educators”. This course was developed to increase the science competence of teachers and bring an affordable and unique approach for new K-12 teachers graduating from Penn State. The Great Insect Fair (since 1993) and Bug Camp for Kids (since 1994) are her outreach programs that operate annually at PSU.

Joe McGrew: West Virginia Institute of Technology (mathematics); Guilford College (Physics) Owner-operator Professional Tutoring Service. Joe has twenty+ years serving both institutions and students in the K-12 markets. He trained adults for Vanderbilt GMAT prep, and has worked with leading area high and middle schools in their curriculum design and implementations. Joe also designed and built group tutoring with differentiated instruction in math and sciences and offers both individual and group prep for national exams. As the Frazier’s above, Joe and his wife Dr. Lori McGrew have demonstrated passion for creating and expanding the needed curiosity in our youth.

Leading National Authority Comments

Dr. Ettore F. Infante, Brown University in Providence, RI, was a faculty member in the Division of Applied Mathematics, with a specialty in differential equations and their applications to mechanics, control, and macroeconomics. Dr. Infante taught courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, supervised graduate and postdoctoral students, and published more than sixty research papers during this period.

He became Director of the Division of Mathematical and Computer Science at the National Science Foundation; then Dean of the Institute of Technology (the college of mathematical and physical sciences and engineering) of the University of Minnesota; then Dean of the College of Arts and Science at Vanderbilt University, He too was Senior vice-president of Academic Affairs and provost of the Twin City Campus of the University of Minnesota.

" I find the Algebra book extremely well done, with all the topics that I might have wanted in such a book. It is very well written, and the explanations are clear, concise, and to the point. Let me also state that I have developed a considerable admiration for Mr. Aggor as an expositor, and most patient presenter of material"

Complete answer keys support your student and family, now available to build needed study behaviors with our "training tools" for home use.
Master Engineer and Six-Sigma Certified , Mr. Nicholas Aggor developed embedded training methods with needed patience, as professionals ie:
Home school families and their supporting organizations are invited to use this prepared material with 4-H, FFA, and such service oriented organizations dedicated to youth development.

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