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NOTED UNIVERSITY SENIOR RESEARCHER says: "The teacher comments (below) and school gains year to year (green chart) are certainly positive". States this material is "ESSA Tier 4" and offers numerous classroom applications! "You Got It" phrase stated repeatedly!

Statements from Math educators "excelling" with use and benefits.

We were privately asked to please supplement four public schools, by the math supervisor.

One school year of use proved with assessments the four participating schools significantly outperformed the other schools, the district and the state assessments.

Our investment was the materials. No other PD, or on-site efforts. No software, No meetings, No other resources of time and money invested or lost.

READ BELOW how they chose to use the materials and the benefits gained to their students and to themselves as they openly praised the resource!

Our advocacy includes certified teachers of mathematics K-12, multiple sciences and university level program creators. We seek all of society involved in support of all the schools today for the benefit of society, which succeeds only when the classroom does. Your world has changed; we must also to support all.

Our material is a deep resource for professionals to rigorously supplement whatever texts they use in school.

Needed Resource comments reported by educators :

“Thank you so much for supplying me with this fabulous resource!" "The book would be a valuable resource to math teachers when planning class lessons."

“The contents has been a fabulous resource for me as a math coach and for my math teachers."

“I would recommend this series to any teacher looking to add a resource to their collection."

Teacher Development comments reported by educators:

“We have so many teachers who are not mathematics majors, yet they are responsible for educating our children to be a functional citizen of society. The children will all benefit as the teacher skills are strengthened with this methodology in place."

“Our goal is to help those struggling teachers become proficient and understand the math for the benefit of the child."

“This content was filled with explanations, examples and problems to be solved. The step-by-step breakdown of the explanations would be beneficial to teachers and students.”

“This material does a great job of discussing common misconceptions which can lead to a huge misunderstanding throughout their math journey; however, some of these misconceptions start by a simple mistake or wrong usage”

“The examples helped me and my teachers understand that we must be precise on the vocabulary we use with our students. They are at a stage in their life where they take everything literally. If we accidentally tell them to do something that is not always the right way, it will take a great amount of time to correct that error."


"The content was used by my Instructional Coach to help with the development of after school tutoring."

"Teacher was able to use it as a quick reference to help develop mini-lessons to remediate students during tutoring who have a wide variety of weak areas."

“This tutor material provides many examples and provides step-by-step instructions designed to assist students."

“Your math resource was filled with explanations, examples and problems to be solved. The step-by-step breakdown of the explanations would be beneficial to teachers and students."

“Just want you to know I think the book is awesome and I really enjoy having an opportunity to use it as I assist my nurturing students."

“I love how it (contents) gives very detail explanations which allows the students to fully understand.”

Teachers Need Professional Support that works and these FCAT results are offical and prove what can happen when data performance bands are identified and schools to support are selected and teachers involved are provided CMT content they say serves them well.


"We" are teachers of teachers, proven PhD's, in various Sciences and Universities, who continue to personally research the industry on behalf of all stakeholders for years.

* Classroom teachers and parents will find resources supporting a shared mutual platform

* We seek ubiquity of these resources. We see inequity of rigorous resources to train. Our model is built for free access to all while focused for personal use at home! Schools report numerous applications, permitting our teachers to have pre-built lesson plans with full access for all to answer keys.

* We also create family accountability, as they also benefit with the same free training contents. We seek to drive up time on task at home with success earned step by step, in the early formative years.

* We supplied this Pre-Algebra content (green chart) Math specialists trained teachers over full school year of work and all shared the process. Leading authorities are very impressed on State Asseeements.

We work toward expansion and creating a FREE APPLIED STEAM ONLINE REFERENCE LIBRARY.

Excellent for Professional Development, Pre-Post school programs, Summer School. Peer tutoring for sure with strong support for lesson planning and break out groups with established content and processes to train are all there.

We designed and released this website in our Phase One as the "go to training support" at no cost. Commercial enterprises need students with math proficiencies for STEM careers; rewarding those qualified with the higher paying career pathways.

Professional teachers are supported with materials to train with a powerfully strong Family Involvement Training to create a sense of Community of Purpose. This is how change occurs.


Embedded Guidance Design* is engineer built to sense likely points of difficulty in advance and directs the student to the solution content area as a prompt. It is throughout the content, to reduce frustration and anxieties.

This feature directs students to the solution area, building confidence in their ability to manage the process themselves.

Please reply now with your questions or ideas .
Yes, we seek thoughtful perspectives on how teaching professionals can best be involved to expand the awareness this resource exists on line. Change can be accelerated and support given with more of society involved with our resources which are proven to support improved results.